The story of workgroup.

At Workgroup we have ditched traditional one-way presentations and sales pitches…


…in favour of relaxed, coffee shop vibes and sometimes even a game show!

Our GCs,CMOs,HRDs create and run all the sessions, so it’s not your ‘typical’ agenda.


But, what exactly is a ‘workgroup’ we hear you ask? 👀


The faces
of workgroup.

Peter founded Workgroup in 2022 and is the Director of Workgroup Legal.

What is your shower song?

Love Story by Taylor Swift.

Tell us something most people wouldn’t guess about you?

I’ve been on Pointless.

Workgroup highlight to date?

The GC gameshow last year. We had a red and blue team of GCs, each with buzzers, and everyone had drinks, prizes, and coloured paddles to vote their favourite answers. Never seen lawyers laugh so much! Pinnacle of my career, felt very high after!

Top 5 Emojis?

🦕 🫂 😹 🤬 🥹

Peter Daniels 🌈

Josh is the cool, calm and collected one and the Director of Workgroup Marketing.

Do you have a favourite motto?

“At the end of the day…it is what it is” - it means nothing but says so much!

Tell us something embarrassing?

I didn’t learn to cook until I was 22 years old. Not even a stir-fry. It was all frozen dinners before then!

Workgroup highlight to date?

Probably the end of my first Workgroup Marketing event, knowing everyone enjoyed it. Also, a CMO once told me Workgroup Marketing was one of the best events in his diary as it is “CMO Therapy!”

Top 5 Emojis?

😩 😎 🤷‍♂️ 🙌 🙏

Josh Raven

Claire is the Workgroup newbie and the Director of Workgroup HR.

If you were a drink, what would you be?

A mimosa, sweet, sparkling and so many possibilities! Why can’t the fun start at brunch? Also, who doesn’t love a tall fancy glass!

What is your superpower?

I could resuscitate you if your heart stopped – does that count? I can also lick my nose with my tongue!

Workgroup highlight to date?

Coming along to Workgroup Legal in Leeds to meet the team and see the day pan out for myself. The penny really dropped for me that day!

Top 5 Emojis?

🐾 🙈 🥹 💯 🤪

Claire Dunn

and our unofficial sleeping mascots …. 🐾




The baby of the bunch is Toby. He belongs to Peter and can often be found snuggled on his lap!

Mocha is the regal middle mascot allowed to sleep on the bed whilst Josh works!

Bundy (named after the place not the person) is a gigantic softie owned by Claire!

So far we have brought together 500+ GCs/CMOs from big corporates such as…